I made my COVID-19 dashboard for southeast Michigan in Python and used the libraries Beautiful Soup to obtain data from the web, pandas for data aggregation and cleaning, and the duo of Dash and Plotly for the web app and data visualizations. This post is a quick overview of the technologies I used to create and host it.
I have been tracking the COVID-19 pandemic since the Detroit metro area was hit hard by the initial spring 2020 outbreak. I live in southeast Michigan, and the pandemic has yet to end, so I compile the indicators I watch most closely into a single dashboard, which I host at https://covid19.timothystehulak.com.
There are many great technologies available for putting together a personal website; it can be hard to choose which one to use. When I decided to put together this website, I wanted a simple website with a blog, preferably not too time consuming to manage, and with the flexibility to host projects besides the blog. This post is about the options I considered for putting together my website.